PRINT THIS PAGE. You can then fill it in with a pen and send it with your items. Be assured that we do not abuse or share any information that you supply. Depending on your pc text setting, it will take 3-4 pages. You may also copy and paste it into a word processing program, to type in your information. WHEN COMPLETED, EITHER SEAL IN AN ENVELOPE, OR FOLD IN HALF AND STAPLE SHUT.            




Check here   if you use USPS LOCKBOX service for your home address. 🙂

Alternate Shipping Address: (Only if required for returning your items)

List Phone Numbers Below (Or, just let us know if one or two are best to use.)                                                                 
Day Phone:
Evening Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Message Phone:
E-Mail (It's easiest for us to email you when your items are received. If you prefer, we will gladly call or write.)                              
Enter email:    

How do you plan to pay?  Credit Card ⬜       PayPal ⬜       Check 

We will let you know the cost when your items are received. Nothing will be charged to your account until you have okay-ed the cost and work to be done. At that time, you may pay by PayPal, check or we will process a credit card payment with the information you have filled in below. For PayPal customers, we provide a unique PayPal payment link for your items in our email response at the time your knits are received.

Fill this in only if you would like us to process your credit card for you. 

Country if other than US:_____________________________________________

Name as it appears on credit card:_____________________________________
Address,(Only if the address that the credit card statement is sent to, is other than the one filled in at the top of this form.) 

PLEASE CHECK the type of card that you are using:
Visa          MasterCard ⬜            Discover ⬜           American Express ⬜

Card Number:_______________________________________________________

Expiration Date:_____________________________________________________

Card Verification Number:  Please leave this blank. We will ask for the verification number when we email you about your items.

List items to be altered or repaired and any comment about what needs to be done. Place tape or safety pin next to each damaged area. Do not cover a hole with tape. Example: Red cashmere pullover to have sleeves shortened as pinned. List additional items on back or a second sheet of paper.        ___________________________________________________________________        
Item #1

Item #2

Item #3

Item #4

Item #5

Item #6

Item #7

Item #8

The following labels may be cut out and used for sending your package to us. It is important to separate the From: portion of the label and tape it to the upper left corner of your package. And to seal all sides of the labels with tape.



✂ <CUT ALONG DOTTED LINES>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 



​        KAD
           230 SE STATE ROUTE 3
           SHELTON WA 98584

PLEASE NOTE: >>> Some customers were told this was not a good address by their post office. In October 2023 USPS Customer Service suggested that we use one short word for our business name. Thus, we are using the abbreviation KAD. THE ADDRESS IS A GOOD ADDRESS and has been used for 30+ years and verified by the US Postal Address Management Office of Washington State.
 If this should happen to you, please ask the clerk to 'OVERRIDE' THEIR SYSTEM AND COMPLETE THE ENTRY. And please let us know if this happens to you.
Thank you! Sandy Serrett   at 360-490-0255 or knitalt @ hctc . com (remove the spaces)

US post offices provide free shipping bags and cartons for Priority Service and Priority Flat Rate Service. Many of our customers find these very handy. You can also order them for free from the US Postal website 
It is worth noting that the Flat Rate service can be misleading as sounding 'cost effective'. It really depends on how much your items weigh and where you are sending your package from. We encourage you to ask for help at the post office about which service will save you money. Packages sent via either Priority Mail are usually received in 2-3 days from anywhere in the USA. 
You will need to provide your own container for the new cheaper Ground Advantage Service which takes about 3-6 days. 
Whichever service you use, it is best to put the items along with a filled-in  Handy Form in a plastic bag before putting it in the shipping container. And to not over-fill the container to the point of bursting. It is better not to use the Ready Post envelopes that are filled with shredded paper. They often tear and do not hold-up as well as other containers.

We also have excellent UPS, and FedEx services and are prepared to return item via these services at your request. If you are in the Northwest, you can use 'Ground Service'. Your package will be received within two days (usually next day). 

About sending International items from outside the US. It is best to refer to your garments as 'used clothing' and generally at a minimum value, on customs declarations. All payments are to be made in US Dollars. We use PayPal for easy conversions to US Dollars on your credit cards.
International items are usually returned via US Mail Global Priority or 1st Class International Package Service, at fairly reasonable rates. These packages cannot be insured beyond a pre-set minimum rate. Items can be returned via Global Express which can be insured at higher values, but at a significantly higher rate. Please contact us with the details if you would like us to estimate the cost of using this service. 

What Happens When Your Items Are Received.
We e-mail or call when your garments are received and tell you the exact cost and when to expect your items back. We use USPS Priority Service with Signature Confirmation for returning items unless otherwise requested. 

How Payment Is Made.
We gladly accept payment by check or credit card. You may fill out the form above to have us process your credit card or use PayPal to pay online. We must receive payment before work is begun on a garment. If you have any other questions feel free to call or email us! We love to talk with our customers!

Copyright 2000-2024 by Knit Alteration & Design - While links are welcome, no content of this website may be copied without written permission from the owner. 

Return to Home page 

JULY 2024

Most items with minor damage are being returned within 2-3 months.

Items with several holes and/or alterations are being scheduled into
FALL 2024.

Please check out Sandy's Tips on the Home Page for ideas on caring for your knits!

1. Do not send woven              items    We do not        work on men's suit coats,
    jeans or other woven 

2. Send only natural fiber
    knits like wool, merino,
    cashmere, alpaca, 
    cotton and other natural
    fibers. We cannot
    reknit items with 
    synthetic  fibers.

3. Items should be 
    reasonably clean.
    Certainly if there is any          moth or other bug                  damage the item needs
    to be cleaned before we 
    receive it.

4. Items with more than 10        holes will cost a minimum     of $150.00 + shipping.

5. Place a safety pin or tape     next to each hole to be     repaired.

6. Place knits in plastic bags
    with filled-in Handy Form
    before putting in shipping
    carton or bag.

7. There are some 
    knits that have extremely     small stitches, like     those of a T-shirt which     we are not able to     reknit. 
We are happy to process credit card payments for you. Simply print this Handy Form and fill-in the information with a pen to send with your knit items. We will let you know the costs and get your okay before processing the payment.
NOTE: Some Safari users may need to use another browser to print our Handy Form.